Certified Operating Room Nurse (CNOR), Charge Nurse, Emergency Department RN (Emergency Department Registered Nurse), Oncology RN (Oncology Registered Nurse), Operating Room Registered Nurse (OR RN), Psychiatric RN (Psychiatric Registered Nurse), Relief Charge Nurse, School Nurse, Staff Nurse, Staff RN (Staff Registered Nurse)
At some point in our lives, we all experience an injury or illness that leads to a trip to a clinic or hospital. While there, we’re likely to encounter a range of medical professionals, including various types of nurses—the most numerous of which are called Registered Nurses.
Registered Nurses (RNs) provide complex care to patients in settings like hospitals, physician’s offices, outpatient care centers, and even private homes. Their tasks range from patient assessment to developing and implementing nursing care plans and administering prescribed medications.
RNs also supervise Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVNs) and Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs), ensuring the team delivers timely, high-quality care. They must collaborate closely with doctors and other providers, offering valuable insights that can help inform decision-making when it comes to patient care.
In-home care settings, they may oversee the implementation of care plans and provide direct patient care. Their expertise in clinical procedures, patient education, and advocacy is essential for positive patient outcomes.
Registered Nurses who pursue additional training may hold advanced practice roles such as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (or Nurse Practitioner).
- Making significant impacts on patient health and recovery
- High demand in the healthcare sector with strong projected job growth
- Extensive opportunities for advancement and specialization
Working Schedule
Registered Nurses work either part-time or full-time and can expect rotating schedules with night, weekend, and holiday shifts. Shift lengths range from 8 to 12 hours. In hospital settings, RNs may work three 12-hour shifts and then have four days off.
일반적인 업무
- Observe patient behavior, routines, and progress; ensure patient safety and comfort
- Operate and monitor medical equipment
- Monitor patient vital signs (i.e., blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, etc.) and conduct comprehensive assessments
- Gather and share data with doctors to formulate an initial nursing care plan
- Review and implement care plans with LPNs/LVNs and nursing assistants
- Discuss concerns and explain care plans with patients and families
- Administer medications and treatments; provide wound care and bandage changes
- Document given care, maintain diligent records, and oversee proper intake/discharge
- 의료진에게 환자 상태에 대한 업데이트를 전달하세요.
- 환자 이동, 이송 및 시술 준비 지원
- Coordinate or oversee the coordination of patient care with therapists, specialists, etc.
- Maintain hygienic conditions and practice infection control
- Respond to emergencies. As needed, perform triage, collect blood samples, administer oxygen, perform CPR, operate Automated External
Defibrillator units, insert intravenous lines for medication administration, and use the Incident Command System - Offer comfort and emotional support to patients and their families during stressful situations
추가 책임
- Supervise LVNs and CNAs
- Perform specialty tasks based on training in areas such as critical care, pediatrics, or oncology
- Maintain patient confidentiality and ethical standards
- Engage in policy development and quality improvement initiatives
- Advocate for patient rights and ethical healthcare practices
- 수술 전 및 수술 후 관리를 제공하여 빠른 회복을 돕습니다.
- 지속적인 교육 및 전문성 개발 참여
- Assist with specimen collection and laboratory tests
- 환자에게 자가 관리 및 장기적인 증상 관리에 대해 교육하기
- 환자 기밀 유지
소프트 스킬
- 적응성
- 침대 옆 매너
- 동정심
- 침착함
- 충돌 해결
- 비판적 사고
- 문화적 감수성
- 신뢰성
- 세부 사항 중심
- 정서적 회복력
- 공감
- 무결성
- 대인 관계 기술
- 리더십
- 멀티태스킹
- 관찰력
- 인내심
- 육체적 체력
- 관계 구축
- 신뢰성
- 안전 의식
- 올바른 판단
- 강력한 커뮤니케이션 기술
- 팀워크 및 협업
- 시간 관리
기술 능력
- 문서화 및 의료 기록 추적을 위한 전자 의료 기록 (EHR) 시스템에 대한 숙련도 향상
- 혈압 모니터, 혈당 측정기, 정맥주입 펌프와 같은 의료 장비의 작동 및 유지 보수에 능숙해야 합니다.
- 약리학, 약물 투여 및 부작용 모니터링에 대한 이해
- 상처 치료 관리에 대한 전문성(예: 드레싱 교체, 감염 징후 모니터링 등)
- 환자 평가 기법, 바이탈 모니터링, 상태 변화 식별 능력에 대한 지식
- 협업을 통해 개별화된 의료 서비스 계획을 개발, 실행 및 조정하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있는 능력
- 역량 모니터링, 평가 및 재활 진행 상황 문서화
- 위생, 멸균, 위생 및 감염 관리 프로토콜 준수
- 개인 보호 장비 (PPE)의 적절한 착용과 사용
- 이동 지원 제공 및 보조 장치 사용에 대한 숙련도
- 환자 지원 및 회복을 위한 기본 물리 치료 운동에 대한 지식
- 비상 대응 조치(정맥주사, 산소 투여, 환자 이송, 사건 지휘 시스템(경우에 따라) 포함)에 대한 친숙함
- 다음과 같은 의료 소프트웨어에 익숙해야 합니다:
- 전자 임상 작업
- 에픽 시스템
- 의료 서비스 공통 절차 코딩 시스템
- 주입 관리 소프트웨어
- 의료 상태 및 시술 코딩 소프트웨어
- MedicWare EMR
- 메디테크
- 포인트 클릭 케어
- 처방전 처리 소프트웨어
- 전화 분류 소프트웨어
- 알츠하이머 시설
- 보조 생활 센터
- 지속적인 케어 은퇴자 커뮤니티
- 정부 및 지역사회 보건 기관
- 홈 헬스케어 서비스
- 호스피스 케어 시설
- 병원 재활실
- 군대 및 재향군인 시설
- 요양 시설(전문 요양 시설)
- 요양원 및 장기 요양 시설
- 외래 환자 센터
- 재활 센터
Nursing environments are unlike most typical workplaces. Hours can be long, with night and weekend work common. Patients come and go, with various health issues and personalities that RNs must adapt to and contend with with patience and perseverance.
Expectations run high, with potentially several patients’ health and wellness depending on their diligence and focus. The job can be stressful, exhausting, or even overwhelming at times, especially in intense places like emergency rooms. In addition, RNs are at risk of occupational injuries (from moving patients), exposure to infectious diseases, and exposure to various chemicals and possibly even radiation.
Suffice it to say, nursing can be a demanding career—but it’s also one with an enormously crucial impact!
The issue of nursing turnover is a significant challenge, with 31% of nurses expressing an intent to leave their current roles in direct patient care. The high turnover rate highlights the ongoing pressures RNs face as the problem of nursing shortages continues to affect the whole healthcare industry.
The silver lining is that healthcare leaders are, to varying degrees, paying more attention and listening more to nurses’ concerns, prioritizing improved workplace cultures and other retention efforts. Part of this shift is an increase in diversifying nursing student bodies by addressing barriers to educational access.
Meanwhile, telehealth nursing is a trend that seeks to offer better accessibility to care for patients in remote or underserved areas, as well as enhanced patient monitoring, and a reduction in the strain on healthcare facilities in general. The downside is the need for extra training for nurses to learn the systems and procedures, as they juggle so many other duties.
Registered Nurses are patient, pragmatic caregivers who may have always been interested in healthcare and able to deal with sights and circumstances that might make others squeamish.
They could have been responsible for the care of family members at an early age. They’re curious, collaborative, empathetic, and strong communicators, all traits that could have been nurtured through extracurricular activities in school. Perhaps above all is their ability to think critically, especially in triage situations. This skill could have been developed on their own or with the help of teachers and parents.
- Depending on the program, RN training may occur at community colleges, vocational/technical schools, four-year colleges, universities, and hospitals
- Some students sign up for a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) diploma first, or a Licensed Practical Nurse/Licensed Vocational Nurse certification before applying to an RN program
- Many vocational-oriented high schools offer career pathway programs in health sciences or certain CNA or LPN classes or dual enrollment opportunities that allow students to gain college credits and get a jump start on their nursing careers
- Some states allow hospital-based nursing schools to offer nursing diplomas which may not count for college credit
- There are also nurse apprenticeship programs available in states such as Illinois, Maryland, South Dakota, Texas, and Washington (per Indeed.com), with others in development. However, apprenticeship applicants may need to first be enrolled in an RN degree program!
RN Degree Options
- Students have the option to pursue one of the following degree types:
- Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN)
- Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN)
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
- Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)
- Note, there are undergraduate-level bridge programs, such as:
- RN-to-BSN
- There are also graduate bridge programs such as BSN-to-MSN, as well as dual master’s options, and direct-entry MSN (aka Entry Level Masters Program in Nursing) programs for students whose bachelor’s was not in a nursing field
- There are several areas of specialization for MSN students, such as:
- Certified Nurse Midwife
- Clinical Nurse Leader
- Diabetes Care Specialist
- Nurse Researcher
- Nursing Administrator
- Pediatric Endocrinology Nurse
- Public Health Nurse
Additional Options
- Some states may have additional options, such as California’s LVN 30 Unit Option, which “takes approximately 18-24 months” but offers no degree upon completion. “Most other states do not recognize California's LVN 30 Unit Option and will not issue RN licenses to these LVNs,” writes CA.gov.
- Many nurses are trained through military programs, serving on active duty before transitioning back into the civilian workforce. In such cases, they will need to pass an exam for RN licensure, so long as they’ve completed sufficient RN education and clinical experience.
Applying for Nursing School
- To apply to a state-approved RN training program, applicants need a high school diploma or GED equivalent
- A good GPA plus a solid background in subjects like English, math (algebra and geometry), and science (biology, chemistry, physics, and computer science) are recommended. Knowledge of social sciences and a foreign language will make your application more competitive
- Some nursing programs have prerequisites, so it is helpful to know in advance where you want to attend training so you can prepare by taking the right classes
- RN program applicants may have to take a program entrance exam, such as the National League for Nursing Pre-Admission Exam (PAX), Nursing Entrance Test, Kaplan Nursing School Admission Test, or Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) assessment
- Bachelor’s programs may require a math or English placement test or college placement test scores (such as the SAT or ACT)
- Graduate programs may require the GRE. These exam scores can have a large impact on your application so it’s important to take them seriously and study
- There are no 100% online RN programs due to the in-person clinical skills requirements. However many schools offer valid, reputable online and hybrid classes covering much of the academic coursework
- Required in-person clinical components “may” be waived in some cases, if a student has enough existing clinical knowledge and work experience
- Some US colleges incorporate Objective Structured Clinical Exams (OSCE) into their programs, to allow students “to practice and demonstrate clinical skills in a standardized medical scenario”
After RN School
- Upon completion of training, RN program graduates must sit for the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) exam before applying for state licensure. They cannot work without a license, however, it may be possible to obtain an interim permit to work under supervision until the NCLEX exam results are available
- 라이선스는 갱신할 수 있지만, 갱신하려면 일반적으로 평생 교육 수업을 이수해야 합니다. 요구 사항은 주마다 다릅니다.
- The National Council of State Boards of Nursing features a listing of all the state boards of nursing points of contact
- Based on state or employer guidelines, RNs may need to meet mandatory immunization requirements, such as seasonal flu vaccination, Tdap, MMR, hepatitis B, varicella, and meningococcal
- RNs may have to pass criminal background and drug screening
- 유효한 최신 주 운전면허증과 깨끗한 운전 기록이 필요할 수 있습니다.
Additional Certifications
Registered Nurses may complete optional credentials, such as:
- Academy of Lactation Policy and Practice - Advanced Lactation Consultant
- American Academy of Health, Fitness, & Rehabilitation Professionals - Post-Rehab Conditioning Specialist
- American Academy of Health Care Providers in the Addictive Disorders - Certified Addiction Specialist
- American Assisted Living Nurses Association - Assisted Living Nurse Certification
- American Association of Colleges of Nursing - Clinical Nurse Leader
- American Association of Critical-Care Nurses - Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (Adult-Gerontology)
- American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants (Certification Board) - Legal Nurse Consultant Certified
- American Association of Neuroscience Nurses - American Board of Neuroscience Nursing - Stroke Certified Registered Nurse
- American Association of Nurse Life Care Planners - Certified Nurse Life Care Planner
- American Board for Occupational Health Nurses - Certified Occupational Health Nurse
- American Board for Transplant Certification - Certified Clinical Transplant Nurse
- American Board of Certification for Gastroenterology Nurses - Certified Gastroenterology Registered Nurse
- American Board of Managed Care Nursing - Certified Managed Care Nurse
- American Board of Perianesthesia Nursing Certification, Inc. - Certified Post-Anesthesia Nurse
- American Board of Wound Management - Certified Wound Specialist
- American Case Management Association - Accredited Case Manager
- American Correctional Association - Certified Corrections Nurse Manager
- American Council on Exercise - Weight Management Specialty Certification
- American Holistic Nurses Credentialing Center - Nurse Coach Board-Certified
- American Organization of Nurse Executives Credentialing Center - Certified Nurse Manager and Leader
- American Red Cross - Basic Life Support Certification (i.e., CPR and AED)
- American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery - Certified Bariatric Nurse
- ANA Enterprise - Informatics Nursing
- Association of Rehabilitation Nurses - Certified Rehabilitation Registered Nurse
- Biofeedback Certification International Alliance - Board Certified in Pelvic Muscle Dysfunction Biofeedback
- Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing - Certified Emergency Nurse
- Board of Nephrology Examiners Technology Nursing - Certified Peritoneal Dialysis Nurse
- Certification Board for Urologic Nurses and Associates - Certified Urologic Registered Nurse
- Certification Board of Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. - Infection Control Certification
- Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools - Certification for Foreign Nurses
- Dermatology Nurses' Association - Dermatology Nurse Certified
- Developmental Disabilities Nurses Association - Certified Developmental Disabilities Nurse
- Forensic Nursing Certification Board - Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner - Adult/Adolescent
- Gerontological Advanced Practice Nursing Association - APRN Gerontological Specialist - Certified
- HIV/AIDS Nursing Certification Board - HIV/AIDS Certified Registered Nurse
- Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association - Certified Hospice and Palliative Licensed Nurse
- Infusion Nurses Certification Corporation - Certified Registered Nurse Infusion
- International Board for Certification of Safety Managers - Certified in Healthcare Safety - Long-Term Care
- International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners - International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
- International Nurses Society on Addictions - Certified Addictions Registered Nurse
- Lamaze International - Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator
- Lymphology Association of North America - Certified Lymphedema Therapist
- Medical-Surgical Nursing Certification Board - Certified Medical-Surgical Registered Nurse
- National Alliance of Wound Care - Wound Care Certification
- National Assistant at Surgery Certification - Assistant at Surgery - Certified
- National Association for Healthcare Quality - Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality
- National Association for Practical Nurse Education and Service - Intravenous Therapy Certification
- National Association of Directors of Nursing Administration in Long-Term Care - Certified Assisted Living Nursing
- National Association Of Emergency Medical Technicians - Advanced Medical Life Support
- National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses - Orthopaedic Nurse Certified
- National Board for Certification of School Nurses - Nationally Certified School Nurse
- National Board of Diving and Hyperbaric Medical Technology - Certified Hyperbaric Registered Nurse
- National Board on Certification and Recertification for Nurse Anesthetists - Initial Certification
- National Center for Competency Testing - Nationally Certified Patient Care Technician
- National Certification Board for Alzheimer Care - Certified Alzheimer Caregiver
- National Certifying Board for Ophthalmic Registered Nurses - Certified Ophthalmic Registered Nurse
- National Commission on Correctional Health Care - Certified Correctional Health Professional - Registered Nurse
- National League for Nursing - Certified Academic Clinical Nurse Educator
- Nephrology Nursing Certification Commission - Certified Dialysis Nurse
- Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation - Certified Pediatric Hematology Oncology Nurse
- Organization for Transplant Professionals - Certified Clinical Transplant Nurse
- Pediatric Nursing Certification Board - Certified Pediatric Nurse
- Plastic Surgical Nurses Certification Board - Certified Plastic Surgical Nurse
- Radiologic Nursing Certification Board - Certified Radiology Nurse
- Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head-Neck Nurses - Certified Nurse in Otorhinolaryngology and Head-Neck Nursing
- The Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers - Multiple Sclerosis Certified Specialist
- The National Certification Corporation - Low-Risk Neonatal Nursing
- Transcultural Nursing Certification Commission - Certified Transcultural Nursing - Advanced
- Vascular Access Certification Corporation - Vascular Access-Board Certified
- Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nursing Certification Board - Certified Continence Care Nurse
RN training programs are available at community colleges, vocational/technical schools, universities, and some hospitals. In addition, nursing programs are offered in some high school programs.
- Review the RN training and licensure requirements for the state in which you plan to work.
- 수업료(주내/주외 요금), 할인, 장학금, 강의 제공 옵션(캠퍼스 내, 온라인 또는 하이브리드 프로그램)을 고려합니다.
- Look for accredited programs with strong reputations and high pass rates for the NCLEX exam
- 현지 의료 환경에서 임상 경험을 위한 옵션을 검토하세요.
- 프로그램 기간과 일정의 유연성을 고려하세요.
- 교수진 약력 및 수상 경력을 살펴보세요. 졸업률과 취업률 통계에 대해 알아보세요. 동문 네트워크의 성과를 살펴보세요!
- 의료 현장에서 자원봉사를 하며 경험을 쌓고 실무 기술을 익혀보세요.
- 고등학교에서 해부학, 생리학, 생물학, 화학, 체육, 영양학, 심리학, 보건학, 응급처치, 수학, 영어와 관련된 수업을 수강하세요.
- 해당 지역에서 통용될 수 있는 제2외국어를 공부하는 것을 고려해 보세요.
- Earn good grades so you can get accepted into a suitable nursing training program (or, if needed, a nursing assistant program first)
- 스트레스를 관리하면서 체력과 근력을 키울 수 있도록 일관성 있는 운동 일정을 짜세요.
- 건강한 식단과 규칙적인 식사 일정을 유지하여 에너지 수준을 일정하게 유지하세요.
- 프로젝트 관리, 팀워크, 리더십 경험, 갈등 해결 능력을 키울 수 있는 학교 활동에 참여하세요.
- Consider the format you want to take classes in. Some topics are fine for online study, but others are better taken in person when possible. Clinical practice will have to be done in person
- Research any unique state or potential employer requirements for becoming an RN. Keep in mind that you may have to pass a criminal background check or drug screening
- Request to do an informational interview with a working Registered Nurse to learn about their daily duties. Try to speak with a few in different areas of specialization
- 해당 직업의 장단점, 일반적인 업무, 근무할 수 있는 환경, 추가 자격증을 취득할 수 있는 방법 등에 대한 온라인 기사와 동영상을 확인하세요!
- 향후 구직 참고자료가 될 수 있는 연락처 목록(전화번호 또는 이메일 포함)을 관리하세요.
- 이력서 초안을 보관하고 경력이 쌓이면서 업데이트하세요.

- Once licensed, RNs can explore job postings via sites like Indeed, Glassdoor, healthcare-specific job search sites, and the websites of applicable employers
- You may also want to consider applying for a nursing apprenticeship if you’re still in college
- Note, many recruiters have established pipelines with local RN training programs, so talk to your school’s program manager or career center about job placement assistance
- 동료 의료 전문가와 네트워크를 형성하여 채용 기회에 대해 알아보세요. '입 소문' 채용의 힘을 과소평가하지 마세요!
- LinkedIn에서 자신을 광고하고 소셜 미디어의 전문성을 유지하세요. 잠재적 고용주는 종종 지원자의 온라인 활동을 확인합니다.
- Check out Registered Nurse resumes for ideas on formatting, phrasing, and keywords to use
- Keywords may include: patient care, clinical experience, critical thinking, team collaboration, emergency response, compassion, patient assessment, case management, healthcare technology, medication administration, vital signs monitoring, wound care, communication skills, infection control, nursing care planning, and CPR certification
- 예상되는 면접 질문을 검토하세요. 여러 번의 모의 면접을 통해 답변 연습하기
- 면접 시 긍정적인 태도를 보이고, 관련 용어에 대한 이해와 최신 트렌드에 대한 인식을 보여주며, 육체적, 정신적으로 업무량을 감당할 수 있는 능력을 보여주세요.
- Read about the strategies RN recruiters use, to gain a perspective of their mindset during interviews
- 면접을 위한 전문성 있는 복장
- Discuss your long-term career objectives with your supervisor. Seek their guidance and mentorship to chart a clear path forward!
- 탁월한 환자 치료로 명성을 쌓고 고급 역할에 대한 준비성을 입증하세요.
- Whatever RN degree you have, consider going up a level. For example, if you have an associate’s, apply for a bachelor’s program. If you have a bachelor’s, go for your master’s to become an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, i.e., Nurse Practitioner (NP), Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS), Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA), or Certified Nurse-Midwife (CNM)
- Pursue advanced certifications in areas of specialized practice. Consider specializing in hard-to-fill or more difficult areas, such as intensive care unit or oncology nursing
- 고용주의 정책과 절차에 대한 포괄적인 이해 얻기
- 치료 계획과 프로토콜을 엄격하게 준수하여 환자의 안전과 편안함을 위한 노력을 보여주세요.
- 엄격한 위생 및 청결 기준을 유지하세요. 필요한 경우 항상 개인보호장비를 착용하세요.
- Foster effective communication with patients, families, fellow nurses, physicians, and the rest of the healthcare team
- 간호의 질 저널과 같은 간호 저널을 정기적으로 읽고 평생 교육 과정에 참여합니다.
- 의료 장비 및 소프트웨어 사용법을 숙달하여 주제별 전문가로 자리매김하세요.
- 역량, 성실성, 신뢰성, 주도성, 리더십을 보여주세요.
- Share your knowledge with fellow nurses, mentoring others and setting a high standard to follow
- Engage with local, state, or even national professional nursing organizations like the American Nurses Association to network, stay informed, and have fun!
웹 사이트
- Academy of Lactation Policy and Practice
- American Academy of Health Care Providers in the Addictive Disorders
- American Assisted Living Nurses Association
- American Association of Critical-Care Nurses
- American Association of Neuroscience Nurses
- American Association of Nurse Life Care Planners
- 미국 급성기 후 간호 협회
- American Board for Occupational Health Nurses
- American Board for Transplant Certification
- American Board of Certification for Gastroenterology Nurses
- 미국 관리 간호 위원회
- American Board of Perianesthesia Nursing Certification, Inc.
- 미국 상처 관리 위원회
- 미국 운동 위원회
- 미국 건강 관리 협회
- American Holistic Nurses Credentialing Center
- 미국 의료 인증 협회
- 미국 간호사 협회
- 미국 적십자사
- American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery
- ANA Enterprise
- Association of Rehabilitation Nurses
- 바이오피드백 인증 국제 연합
- Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing
- 감염 통제 및 역학 위원회, Inc.
- 신장학 검사 위원회 기술 간호
- 비뇨기과 간호사 및 관련자 인증 위원회
- Certification Board of Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc.
- Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools
- Dermatology Nurses' Association
- Forensic Nursing Certification Board
- 노인 간호
- Gerontological Advanced Practice Nursing Association
- 보건직업 학생회
- HIV/AIDS Nursing Certification Board
- 호스피스 및 완화의료 간호사 협회
- Infusion Nurses Certification Corporation
- 국제 안전 관리자 인증 위원회
- 간호 품질 저널
- 간호 교육 저널
- 미국 노인병 학회지
- Medical-Surgical Nursing Certification Board
- 전국 상처 치료 연합
- National Assistant at Surgery Certification
- National Association for Healthcare Quality
- 전국 가정 간호 및 호스피스 협회
- 전국 실무 간호사 교육 및 서비스 협회
- National Association of Directors of Nursing Administration in Long Term Care
- National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses
- National Board for Certification of School Nurses
- National Board on Certification and Recertification for Nurse Anesthetists
- 국립 역량 테스트 센터
- 알츠하이머 케어 국가 인증 위원회
- National Certifying Board for Ophthalmic Registered Nurses
- 전국 공인 치매 전문의 협의회
- 전국 주 간호위원회 협의회
- 전국 의료인 협회
- National League for Nursing
- 신장학 간호 인증 위원회
- Nurse.com
- 간호 표준
- Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation
- Pediatric Nursing Certification Board
- Plastic Surgical Nurses Certification Board
- Radiologic Nursing Certification Board
- 시그마 세타 타우 인터내셔널
- 미국 간호학회지
- Ackley and Ladwig’s Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, by Mary Beth Flynn Makic PhD RN CCNS FAAN FNAP FCNS and Marina Reyna Martinez-Kratz MS RN CNE
- Next Generation NCLEX-RN Prep 2023-2024: Practice Test + Proven Strategies, by Kaplan Nursing
- Taking Care: The Story of Nursing and Its Power to Change Our World, by Sarah DiGregorio
- What They Do NOT Teach You in Nursing School: Lessons from a Seasoned Nurse, by Kristine Dittman
Registered Nurses are absolutely essential to the healthcare industry but their roles are physically demanding, with long hours and sometimes highly stressful conditions. It takes plenty of resilience and a specific emotional temperament to thrive in this challenging field!
For students interested in exploring additional healthcare-related careers, check out the below options!
- 치과 위생사
- 진단 의료 초음파 전문의
- 마취 간호사
- 조산사 간호사
- 작업 치료사
- 작업 치료 보조
- 물리 치료사 보조
- 의사 보조
- 정신과 기술자
- 간호사 등록
- 호흡기 치료사
- 사회 복지사
- 수술 보조

주요 채용 정보

온라인 강좌 및 도구

연봉 기대치
New workers start around $108K. Median pay is $137K per year. Highly experienced workers can earn around $168K. Median pay is ABOVE LIVING WAGE.
# 연간 채용 공고 수
There are 325620 annual job openings due to growth and turnover in this career. Jobs in this field are projected to grow over the next 5 years.