
유사한 제목

공인 약물 보조원(CMA), 공인 간호사 보조원(CNA), 공인 간호사 보조원(CNA), 공인 간호 보조원(CNA), 면허 간호 보조원(LNA), 간호사 보조원, 간호 보조원, 환자 관리 보조원(PCA), 주 시험 간호 보조원(STNA).

직무 설명

Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) provide essential care and support to patients in hospitals, assisted living centers, nursing homes, community-based adult day care centers, and private residences.

Also known in some states as nursing aides or assistants, CNAs bear general responsibility for ensuring clean, safe environments for patients. They work under the supervision of licensed nurses to ensure their patients’ basic needs are met, such as bathing, getting dressed, and eating.

They also monitor patient vital signs, assist with mobility, and offer much-needed companionship. Depending on their training, they may even offer limited support during medical procedures.

CNAs are vital members of the healthcare team and crucial links between patients and their nurses, recording information in charts and reporting changes so the best care can be given at all times! 

커리어의 보람 있는 측면
  • 환자의 건강, 수명, 일상적인 삶의 질에 영향을 미치다
  • 의료 분야에서의 수요 증가
  • 개인적, 직업적 성장을 위한 수많은 기회
내부 특종
직무 책임

근무 일정

  • Certified Nursing Assistants may work part-time or full-time. Shifts may include nights, weekends, or holidays.

일반적인 업무

CNA duties can vary by state, setting, and training. Certain duties require the direct supervision of a registered nurse.

  • Assist patients with personal hygiene including bathing, grooming, dressing, and using the toilet
  • Serve meals and help patients eat, recording their food and liquid intake
  • Prepare rooms and bathrooms for new patients, ensuring they are tidy and sanitary. Change bedsheets and stock toiletry items 
  • Help patients with mobility, including transferring them between beds and wheelchairs, and repositioning for sitting or sleeping
  • Monitor and record vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature
  • Observe changes in patients’ conditions. Report changes to the supervising nurse
  • Respond to patient calls and bed alarms. Care for catheters
  • Provide companionship and emotional support
  • Document patient information, such as responses to treatment and health concerns
  • Ensure effective communication between patients and healthcare professionals
  • If trained and authorized, CNAs may also: 
  1. 상처 드레싱과 같은 비침습적 의료 절차 지원
  2. Administer oral, optical, nasal, and topical medications 
  3. Draw blood 
  4. Collect urine or stool samples 
  5. 환자를 진료 예약 장소로 이송 

추가 책임

  • 세탁, 심부름, 약속 일정 관리 지원
  • 환자 퇴원 지원 
  • Collaborate effectively with patients’ larger healthcare team or caregiver agencies
  • Stay up-to-date on best practices 
  • Assist with training new CNAs
  • Help nurses set up medical equipment. Perform basic equipment cleaning
업무에 필요한 기술

소프트 스킬

  • 침대 옆 매너
  • 동정심
  • 침착함
  • 신뢰성
  • 세부 사항 중심
  • Dexterity
  • 정서적 회복력 
  • 공감
  • Hand-eye coordination
  • 무결성 
  • 대인 관계 기술 
  • Methodical 
  • 관찰력
  • 인내심
  • 육체적 체력
  • 관계 구축
  • 신뢰성
  • 안전 의식 
  • 올바른 판단 
  • 강력한 커뮤니케이션 기술
  • 팀워크 및 협업
  • 시간 관리

기술 능력

  • Basic medical knowledge, including medical terminology, taking vital signs, and patient care techniques
  • Knowledge of medical illnesses and injuries, and their signs and symptoms
  • General familiarity with healthcare equipment and technology
  • Knowledge of hygiene, sterilization practices, and infection control practices
  • Proficiency in documenting and maintaining patient records using medical records software
  • Familiarity with the roles of other medical professionals 
다양한 유형의 조직
  • 보조 생활 센터
  • 지역사회 기반 성인 데이케어 센터
  • 지속적인 케어 은퇴자 커뮤니티
  • 호스피스 케어 시설
  • Hospitals and clinics
  • 요양 시설(전문 요양 시설)    
  • 요양원 및 장기 요양 시설
  • Outpatient care centers    
  • Private residences
  • 재활 센터
기대와 희생

Certified Nursing Assistants are entrusted with the welfare of patients who are often vulnerable due to age, illness, or disability. They frequently assist multiple patients on any given day, thus requiring strong organizational and prioritization skills.

The work can be both physically demanding and emotionally taxing, with schedules sometimes requiring night, weekend, and holiday shifts. CNAs must stay vigilant, empathetic, and patient to ensure their patients receive the best care possible even during stressful or tiring circumstances. In addition, they should take time to practice self-care in order to avoid job burnout or feelings of detachment. 

현재 트렌드

The nursing field in general has faced a critical shortage in recent years. This is due to a combination of factors, including an increase in life expectancy causing people to require more years of the healthcare services of nurses and CNAs.

In turn, this has created a bottleneck situation, as there are not enough nursing faculty available to train new nurses and CNAs to replace retiring ones. Meanwhile, as the workload continues to stack up, extra strain is placed on nursing professionals who must find ways to manage their own mental well-being and work-life balance. 

이 직업에 종사하는 사람들은 어렸을 때 어떤 일을 즐겼나요?

CNAs may have always had an interest in helping others. They could have been involved in caregiving roles from a young age with infirm family members. They tend to have a natural compassion and a desire to make a tangible difference in other people’s lives!

필요한 교육 및 훈련

필요한 교육

As a reminder, not every state uses the title Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA). Some simply use the terms Nursing Assistant or Nursing Aide.

  • To become a Certified Nursing Assistant requires completing a state-approved CNA training program through an accredited school
  1. Note, applicants will need a high school diploma or equivalent. However, some high schools feature CNA programs for juniors and seniors
  2. CNA training programs are widely available at community colleges, vocational/technical schools, and even in some hospitals and nursing homes
  3. “A typical CNA program lasts for about 120 hours or six weeks and includes four weeks in a classroom and two weeks in a clinical setting,” writes Indeed. “Many online CNA programs can accommodate a variety of student schedules and may offer classes during the day and on evenings and weekends.” 
  • Course topics include: 
  1. Human anatomy
  2. Infection control
  3. Medical terminology
  4. Nutrition
  5. Patient rights
  6. Safety and emergencies
  7. Vital signs
  • Practical training includes instruction on basic nursing principles along with RN-supervised caregiving experiences in clinical settings—usually “at least 75 hours of practical experience in an accredited CNA training facility, which also includes at least 16 hours of supervised clinical and 16 hours of laboratory training.” However, some states may require up to 175 hours of training
  • Additional state-specific and employer-specific training requirements vary
  1. Note, upon completion of a state-approved program, students are required to pass a competency exam to obtain a certification or qualify for a state-issued license
  2. Many states use the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program exam for this. Others have their own exams
  3. Exams usually consist of a written or oral test proctored through a third party, featuring multiple-choice questions. There is also a clinical skills portion where test-takers demonstrate proficiency in various tasks
  • Certification is usually good for two years, and renewable based on state or employer-specific requirements (such as completing continuing education or maintaining employment) 
  • In addition to the above, CNA hopefuls may need to verify or update their immunizations (such as seasonal Influenza vaccination, tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap), measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR), hepatitis B, varicella, and meningococcal)
  • They may also have to pass criminal background and drug screenings
  • CNAs may complete optional credentials, such as:
  1. 미국 상처 관리 협회 공인 상처 치료사    
  2. 미국 운동 협회의 기능 훈련 전문 인증    
  3. 미국 의료 인증 협회의 환자 치료 기술자 인증    
  4. 미국 정맥천자술 협회 환자 관리 기술자    
  5. 미국 적십자 기본 생명 유지 인증    
  6. 공인 복약 도우미(CMA)
  7. 호스피스 및 완화의료 간호사 협회의 공인 호스피스 및 완화의료 간호 보조원 자격증
  8. 미국 실무 간호사 교육 및 서비스 협회의 정맥 내 치료 인증    
  9. 국립 역량 시험 센터의 국가 인증 환자 치료 기술자
  10. 알츠하이머 케어 국가 인증 위원회 공인 알츠하이머 간병인
  11. 미국간호협회 전국 주 간호위원회의 전국 간호사 보조원 평가 프로그램    
  12. 전국 의료 직업 협회 공인 환자 치료 기술자/조수   
  13.  북미 재활 공학 및 보조 기술 협회의 좌석 및 이동성 전문가
대학에서 살펴봐야 할 사항

CNA training programs are available at community colleges, vocational/technical schools, some hospitals and nursing homes, and even through some high school programs. 

  • Review the exact training and certification/licensure requirements for the state you plan to work in.
  • 수업료(주내/주외 요금), 할인, 장학금, 강의 제공 옵션(캠퍼스 내, 온라인 또는 하이브리드 프로그램)을 고려합니다.
  • Look for accredited programs with strong reputations and high pass rates for state certification exams.
  • 현지 의료 환경에서 실습 교육에 사용할 수 있는 옵션을 검토하세요.
  • 특히 다른 약속과 균형을 맞추는 경우 프로그램 기간과 수업 일정의 유연성을 고려하세요.
  • 교수진 약력 및 수상 경력을 살펴보세요. 졸업률과 취업률 통계에 대해 알아보세요. 동문 네트워크의 성과를 살펴보세요!
고등학교 및 대학교에서 할 일
  • 의료 현장에서 자원봉사를 하며 경험을 쌓고 실무 기술을 익혀보세요.
  • Take classes in high school related to anatomy, physiology, biology, health sciences, and first aid
  • Earn good grades so you can get accepted into a suitable CNA training program
  • Participate in school activities where you can hone your soft skills and gain leadership experience 
  • Think about the format you want to take CNA classes in. Some topics are fine for online study, but others need to be learned in person 
  • Research the CNA certification requirements for your state. Keep in mind that you may have to pass a criminal background check or drug screening
  • Request to do an informational interview with a working CNA to learn about their daily duties
  • Check out online articles and videos about the career field, the various settings you could work in, and extra certifications you may want to pursue!
  • 향후 구직 참고자료가 될 수 있는 연락처 목록(전화번호 또는 이메일 포함)을 관리하세요. 
  • 이력서 초안을 보관하고 경력이 쌓이면서 업데이트하세요.
  • Develop a workout schedule so you can stay in shape and manage stress
일반적인 로드맵
Certified Nursing Assistant Roadmap
첫 직장을 구하는 방법
  • Once certified to work in their respective states, CNAs can explore job postings via sites like Indeed, Glassdoor, myCNAjobs, healthcare-specific job search sites, and the websites of applicable employers (i.e., assisted living centers, adult day care centers, hospitals, clinics, nursing care facilities, etc.)
  • Note, many recruiters have established pipelines with local CNA training programs, so talk to your school’s program manager or career center about job placement assistance
  • Network with fellow healthcare professionals to learn about job opportunities. Don’t underestimate the power of “word of mouth” recruiting! 
  • LinkedIn에서 자신을 광고하고 소셜 미디어의 전문성을 유지하세요. 잠재적 고용주는 종종 지원자의 온라인 활동을 확인합니다. 
  • Check out Certified Nursing Assistant resumes for ideas on formatting, phrasing, and keywords to use
  • Review potential interview questions to expect. Do several mock interviews to practice your responses
  • 육체적, 정신적으로 업무량을 감당할 수 있는 능력을 보여줄 수 있는 진심 어린 태도를 보여주세요.
  • 채용 담당자가 면접 시 어떤 전략을 사용하는지 알아보고 채용 담당자의 사고방식을 파악하세요.
  • 면접을 위한 전문성 있는 복장
사다리를 오르는 방법
  • Let your supervisor know your career goals and ask for their advice and mentorship
  • Build a reputation for providing outstanding patient care. Master your bedside manner and follow instructions carefully
  • Establish clear communications with patients, nurses, and other healthcare team members
  • Keep learning! Stay up-to-date on best practices regarding patient care related to CNA duties 
  • Be diligent when it comes to sanitation and hygiene 
  • Pursue further education and training opportunities to learn new skills and competencies 
  • Consider becoming a licensed practical nurse or registered nurse
  • Learn all relevant employer policies and procedures 
  • Study manufacturer and software guides for equipment and programs you use frequently
  • Demonstrate top-notch leadership capabilities and patiently train and mentor younger professionals 
  • Stay engaged with professional organizations. Attend events, hold committee posts, and actively work to advance your reputation
플랜 B

The day-to-day work life of a CNA can be rewarding but often challenging. It’s a critically important career field and frequently serves as a valuable stepping stone for advanced opportunities, as well.

But it’s not everyone’s cup of tea—and that’s okay! There are dozens of exciting healthcare careers to explore. Below are just a few of the most popular ones to consider: 

  • Dental Assistant     
  • 가정 건강 도우미
  • 면허 전문 간호사(LPN)
  • 의료 보조
  • 마취 간호사
  • 조산사 간호사
  • 작업 치료 보조
  • 검안사 도우미 
  • 물리 치료 도우미
  • 의사 보조    
  • 전문 간호사(RN)
  • 수의사 보조 


온라인 강좌 및 도구

급여 및 직업 전망
하위 지역을 선택합니다:

연봉 기대치


신입 직원의 초봉은 약 3만 9천 달러입니다. 중간 급여는 연간 $41,000입니다. 고도로 숙련된 근로자는 약 48,000달러를 받을 수 있습니다. 중간 급여는 생계비 이상입니다.

# 연간 채용 공고 수

그리고 성장

이 직업의 성장과 이직으로 인해 연간 99930개의 일자리가 창출되고 있습니다. 이 분야의 일자리는 향후 5년 동안 증가할 것으로 예상됩니다.

출처: 미국 노동 통계국